NEX will undergo three independent audits to ensure its operations are transparent and trustworthy. These audits will be conducted by reputable firms not affiliated with the platform and will objectively assess the exchange's practices. NEX is committed to maintaining the highest integrity and credibility levels through these audits.
Smart contract Testing
NEX has done various forms of smart contract testing, (f.e. unit-test, logic and scenario analysis) with programs such as Foundry and Hardhat. Gas fee reports have been generated for every function in the smart contract to guarantee usability and manage costs, also when scaling up to a larger user base. Gas costs for on-chain requests/computations are higher than off-chain calculation. Therefore, we moved certain calculations off-chain, whilst staying in the Solidity smart contract environment. This enables use to run elaborate smart contract operations that ensure the health of the smart contract, whilst being able to scale to a large userbase.
Last updated